
Swans Flight is a Liquidity Syndicate with Global Representation​

Swans Flight originated from work with the UK​ Government, assisting in the sourcing of large-scale projects, for the delivery of UK content and finance.

  • offering access to a​  syndicated network of the largest funds in the world​
    Your funding and liquidity partner offering access to a​ syndicated network of the largest funds in the world​

We offer quick access to liquidity in

We can secure longer term maturity products from 25 to 40 years at lower rates due to our reach into the international debt markets.​

  • Debt Markets​
  • Equity Investment​
  • Green Bond Issuance​
  • Transition Bond Issuance

Swans Flight is one of the largest players​ globally in investment and debt funding


Deployable liquid​


Our minimum entry range of debt funding​


Monthly deal flow of new​opportunities to assist in​

5 Continents​

Based in London and with​ representatives in Dubai,​ Jakarta, Sao Paulo, ​Johannesburg and Berlin​

160 Countries​

Global reach using a​ network for sourcing​ deal-flow for our​ funding partners

Get in Touch

Contact Us

E-mail : enquiries@swansflight.com​
 Address : 86/90 Paul Street, London EC2A 4NE​, United Kingdom​